Apply to the BFA Program
In that the BFA is a professional degree, the primary focus is to offer technical training and performance experience that optimally prepares dancers for future professional careers in dance upon graduation. In meeting these demands, the unique triple-track design, affords students the opportunity to study ballet, modern and jazz with equal emphasis. Students also have the ability in their junior year, to taper their programs of study should they desire to specialize or concentrate more heavily on a particular discipline to meet specific future career goals, while still maintaining breadth in their technical foundation. Even though the BFA degree in dance places an emphasis on technique and performing, students are also assured of receiving a well-rounded education. To study dance at The University of Arizona is to have the best of both worlds–a nationally reputed dance program with a conservatory environment (in terms of the rigor and concentration), housed within an institution nationally lauded for scientific discoveries and research!
A strong ballet base with minimum 5 years study in one or more of the following training programs: Arts conservatory, affiliate school of a company, arts magnet high school dance program, or reputable dance studio that regularly concertizes.
Ability to demonstrate strength and/or have notable attributes in all of the following areas:
- Technical facility
- Knowledge of movement vocabulary beyond a foundational level
- Clearly articulated footwork
- Accuracy of line and body placement
- Musicality
- Learning potential (the ability to readily embrace new concepts)
- Knowledge of all three concentration areas in our program: ballet, modern, and jazz
- Performance experience suggested
See where BFA Alumni have gone professionally
- Step One: Complete an application for admission to the University of Arizona.
- Step Two: Complete the College of Fine Arts supplemental application in your UA Future online portal.
Online Application includes:
- Outline of training in Ballet, Modern, Contemporary & Jazz
- Resume of dance experience
- Full body photo in first arabesque
- Headshot
- Reference contact information
- Application Fee
Audition Details:
- Entry into the UA Dance Program is by audition only.
- In Person Audition Details: Video content is no longer part of the initial dance application for dancers attending an in-person audition. Dancers under consideration for the program after participating in an in-person audition may be asked to submit video content as part of the ongoing consideration process. ***You will receive an EMAIL with a link/details on what is needed in your video submission.
- Video Audition Details: Every dancer auditioning by video needs to submit all the required video content outlined in the dance application. All the required video content is needed for an application to be considered complete.
- Dancers who choose to attend an in-person audition are considered for a Dance Merit Scholarship.
- Dancers who audition by video are not under consideration for a Dance Merit Scholarship until their second year in the program.
- There are three possible outcomes for an audition: Acceptance, Under Consideration – Request for Video/Additional Info, or Non-Acceptance.
- Every dancer has two opportunities to audition for UA Dance.
- If you are not accepted into the UA Dance BFA program, you have two options for a second audition. You may either audition a second time for entry into the program for fall of 2025 or audition next year for entry to the program in the fall of 2026 as a second year/transfer student.
Application Fee: $60.00 – paid at the time UA Dance application is submitted.
National Auditions – In person audition dates:
Arizona Jazz Dance Showcase* Friday September 27, 2024 (AT CAPACITY)
* This audition is at capacity. Please refer to the dates below for future dates to audition for the School of Dance.
Fall – Saturday, November 9, 2024
Check In: 8:30AM and Audition starts at 9:30AM – See full schedule below
Location: Stevie Eller Dance Theatre Lobby
Spring – Saturday, January 25, 2025
Check In: 9:00AM and Audition starts at 10:00AM – See full schedule below
Location: Stevie Eller Dance Theatre Lobby
How to register for an in-person audition date:
- Selecting an in-person audition date on the Audition Details page of the Fine Arts Application BFA Dance will register you for the audition.
- The application will ask you to check a box to confirm your chosen audition date.
- You may change your audition date prior to clicking the confirmation check box.
- If you must change the audition date after clicking the confirmation check box, please call the School of Dance at (520) 621-4698 for assistance.
- Dance application must be submitted no later than one day prior to the date of the in-person audition you are attending.
- Participating in an in-person audition is considered one of two audition opportunities even if the UA Dance supplemental application is not submitted.
Video Only Auditions*
Dancers who do not attend an in-person audition will have the video content submitted in the Fine Arts Application BFA Dance reviewed by the faculty review committee as a video audition.
Fine Arts Application BFA Dance Deadline for Fall 2025 – April 1st, 2025
* Please note, those who audition by way of video in lieu of attending an in-person audition are not able to be considered for a dance merit scholarship for their first year in the program.
While the deadline to apply for Fall 2025 is April 1st, dancers interested in a merit scholarship are encouraged to apply prior to February 1st. Dancers applying after February 1st are eligible for a merit scholarship, however, funds to award scholarships may be limited.
VIDEO CONTENT GUIDELINES – Video only auditions
Primarily, the video should contain classroom/studio footage. It is most helpful if the applicant is the only one filmed. If filmed in a class setting, the camera should be focused exclusively on the auditioner. In addition to the requirements listed below, a performance clip (clips) may be included at the end of the footage, making sure if in a group, the applicant can be easily identified.
Videos are most successfully reviewed when they follow the guidelines. Typically, this results in a video of approximately ten minutes in length that includes a diverse sampling of your technical/studio work across all three styles.
Personal Introduction Segment
- Please introduce yourself and briefly state the reasons you are interested in applying to the University of Arizona School of Dance.
- Please articulate the primary factor, from your foundational dance training thus far, which you feel has best prepared you to enter the professionally slanted curriculum of the School of Dance BFA curriculum at the University of Arizona.
Ballet Segment
- Please watch the video linked in the Fine Arts Application BFA Dance for instructions.
- *Optional 1 or 2 brief partnering excerpts
- *Optional for Pointe Exercise: 1 or 2 pointe work exercises in the center
- Dress Code: Solid color leotard and tights, unitard, or form-fitting shirt with dance tights; Ballet shoes. Hair confined up off the neck and back from the face. No loose-fitting clothing.
Modern Segment
- Please watch the video linked in the Fine Arts Application BFA Dance for instructions.
- Dress Code: Same as ballet attire options OR solid color form-fitting top and athletic leggings; Barefoot. Hair confined up off the neck and back from the face. No loose-fitting clothing.
Jazz Segment
- Please watch the video linked in the Fine Arts Application BFA Dance for instructions.
- *Optional: musical theatre or tap combination
- Dress Code: Same as ballet attire options OR solid color form-fitting top and athletic leggings; Jazz shoes. Hair confined up off the neck and back from the face. No loose-fitting clothing.
Video is uploaded directly into the application.
Applications will be considered by the UA Dance Faculty on a rolling basis as they are received. If you have not received a decision within 45 days of submitting your application, please contact Student and Administrative Services Coordinator Michelle Francisco in the UA Dance Office at mfrancisco@email.arizona.edu.
Decisions will be sent out by the UA Future Portal.
- You will receive an email with the subject line: “A decision has been reached for your CFA Application.”
- A link in this message will take you to the status page of the Fine Arts Application BFA Dance.
- On the Fine Arts Application BFA Dance status page you will see: “An update to your application was last posted Month DD, YEAR”
- Click “View Update”
This will take you to your UA Dance decision letter. You can print a PDF copy for your records if you would like a physical copy.
Dancers who have received a non-accept outcome and wish to audition again may do so. However, after two auditions, dancers will not be given further consideration for the BFA program.
Audition Format:
National auditions are conducted in a class format beginning with a ballet barre followed by center combinations in ballet, jazz, and modern. Combinations in other disciplines may be included if time allows at the discretion of the UAZ Dance faculty. All auditioners must complete the entire audition. In the unlikely event a dancer is unable to complete the audition, they should notify a faculty member. Dancers who do not complete the audition will need to find an alternative method for completing the audition process.
Suggested Dress Code for Dance Auditions
- Ballet Dress Code: Solid color leotard and tights, unitard, or form-fitting shirt with dance tights; Ballet shoes.
- Modern and/or Contemporary Dress Code: Same as ballet attire options OR solid color form-fitting top and athletic leggings; Barefoot.
- Jazz Dress Code: Same as ballet attire options OR solid color form-fitting top and athletic leggings; Jazz shoes.
- All Disciplines: Hair confined up off the neck and back from the face. No loose-fitting clothing.
Audition Day Schedule (11/09/24 and 01/25/25 Dates)
For the September 27th audition please refer to AJDS event schedule
11/09/24 Schedule:
8:30 am – Audition check-in, Ina Gittings Building Studio 130
9:30 am – Audition begins and runs approximately 3 ½ hours
12:00pm – 12:45pm – Q&A with School of Dance faculty and staff.
1:00 pm* (approximate time) – Audition ends.
01/25/25 Schedule:
9:00 am – Audition check-in, Stevie Eller Dance Theatre Lobby
10:00 am – Audition begins and runs approximately 3 ½ hours
1:30 pm* (approximate time) – Audition ends. At the end of the audition parents and dancers are invited to attend an optional Q & A with Faculty
*End time of audition subject to change depending on the number of dancers attending. When making travel plans it’s recommended to plan around a 3pm end time for the audition.
The Aloft Tucson University Hotel is a 5-minute walk from the dance facilities and is the nearest hotel to the School of Dance. Click here, to make a reservation.
Campus tours can be booked through the Ambassador Tour webpage . Travel arrangements may need to accommodate an extra day in advance of the Saturday audition date to book a tour. We recommend booking your tour the Friday prior to the audition.
A tour of the School of Dance is offered from 12:00-1:00 pm Friday November 8th and Friday January 24th. If interested in this tour, please meet in the Stevie Eller Dance Theatre Lobby. No prior sign up required. A tour is not offered during the Arizona Jazz Dance Showcase as dancers will utilize all the UA Dance facilities over the course of the event.
For all other tour inquires please contact: tours-uadance@cfa.arizona.edu