The School of Dance welcomed guest teacher, Jason Carroll, a New York City based dancer,
choreographer, and educator currently in his third year with the Broadway national tour of
Chicago, to teach Fosse jazz masterclasses on Friday, February 9th, and Saturday, February 10th.
Fosse jazz, characterized by its nuanced movements, captivating stillness, and specific technical
elements such as turned-in knees, shoulder rolls, finger snaps, and the renowned “jazz hands,”
formed the focal point of Carroll’s instruction. His sessions were not merely lessons in technique
but invaluable insights into the artistry and discipline synonymous with the Fosse style.
Reflecting on the experience, junior Adam Truesdell attested to the profound impact, noting how
simplicity emerged as a cornerstone of performance under Carroll’s tutelage.
Carroll began each session with a comprehensive warm-up regimen encompassing fundamental
exercises including pliés, tendus, and stretches. Subsequently, dancers delved into the
quintessential Fosse walk and explored dynamic interactions with each other. Group dynamics
further enriched the learning process as dancers were guided through formations and introduced
to excerpts from “All That Jazz.” Sophomore Delaney Hudson stated that the dancers “were told
to be very specific in their movement, but also given the freedom to make it their own,” curating
a wonderful learning experience that combined the proper technique of Fosse jazz with the
dancers individuality. Dancers were able to embrace their technical side while incorporating
elements of entertainment and performance.
Expressing enthusiasm and gratitude, students at the School of Dance found themselves
immersed in an atmosphere of inspiration and joy throughout Carroll’s masterclasses. Junior
Sarah Barie, reflecting on the opportunity to embody a cherished dream of performing in
Chicago, articulated the profound resonance of the experience. Such sentiments were echoed by
junior Sadie Beebe, who applauded Caroll’s thoughtful and inclusive approach, describing him
as a model of passion for the craft.
As the memorable series of classes came to a close, students from the School of Dance left with
a revived passion, excited to further their exploration of the vibrant Fosse jazz tradition. Grateful
for Jason Carroll’s invaluable guidance, they eagerly look forward to more chances to immerse
themselves in the diverse world of dance at the University of Arizona School of Dance.